Network Media Types
Network Media Types, Twisted-Pair Cable, UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair), STP, Coaxial Cable, Fiber-optic, Wireless Communication, Network Card, NIC, Wireless network interface controller, WNIC
Network Media Types, Twisted-Pair Cable, UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair), STP, Coaxial Cable, Fiber-optic, Wireless Communication, Network Card, NIC, Wireless network interface controller, WNIC
Network Devices, Repeater, Hub, Bridge, Switch, Router, Gateway, Firewall, Importance of network devices.
TCP/IP Model, ARPANET, Data encapsulation, Data de-capsulation, Peer to peer communication
The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Reference Model is a seven-layer framework developed by the ISO in the late 1970s. It standardizes telecommunication and computing functions, enabling diverse networking protocols to communicate seamlessly. Understanding the OSI model is essential for network engineers and IT professionals, as it forms the basis of
Layered approach to networking, ISO-OSI reference model, The OSI Reference Model, Network Architecture, Protocol Stack
Computer Networking Fundamentals, data collision, Carrier Sensing, Collision Detection, Polling Method
Computer Networking Fundamentals, Broadcasting, Point-to-point Networks, Network Topologies, LAN, WAN, Circuit Switching, Packet Switching, Multiplexing